Criminal Record Check

It is our responsibility to obtain an original Criminal Record Check (CRC) with a Vulnerable Sector Search for all Cabin Leaders. This legal process protects our campers by confirming that all camp leaders are free of any pending criminal charges or convictions that would preclude them from working with children. We will cover all costs for this process and the process can be completed online!

Unfortunately, this process goes through the national database which is organized into two “gender” categories: “Male” and “Female.” As all CampOUT! record checks will go through both the “male” and “female” databases as per our request, please check either box. The provider of this service, Sterling BackCheck, has acknowledged in our conversations each year that they realize the categories are not only exclusive but inaccurate. Maybe a CampOUT! participant will change the national police information system in the near future!

To complete your Criminal Record Check, please follow these steps:

  1. Scan and email us legible copies of one (1) piece of Primary ID and one (1) piece of Secondary ID, or two (2) pieces of Primary ID. If you do not have access to a scanner, a clear photo of the ID where all text is legible is also acceptable. Please ensure you scan both the front and back of your ID! If you are having trouble scanning your ID, follow the Photocopier and Fax tips here.

    Primary ID: Government-issued Photo Identification must include: First and Last Name, Date of Birth, Signature, and Photo.

    Examples of Primary ID (this is not an exhaustive list):

    • Driver’s License
    • Passport
    • Age of Majority Card
    • Indian Status Card
    • Permanent Resident Card
    • Provincial ID Card

    Secondary ID: Non-photo Identification — (Ideally government-issued, however not required). Must include: First and Last Name

    Examples of Secondary ID (this is not an exhaustive list):

    • Birth Certificate
    • Hunting & Fishing License
    • Hospital Card
    • Immigration Papers
  2.  As soon as we receive your photo ID, we will submit a request for your CRC. Please look in your inboxes (and spam folders) for an email from via the Canadian Camping Association and complete the rest of the process. Towards the end of the Criminal Record check process, you may be prompted to verify your identity. If this occurs and you are given a choice of documents, please select the “Hiring Manager Off-Ramp” option.