
Province-Wide Resources:

Two-Spirit Resource List: “Two-Spirit” is a term used within some Indigenous communities, encompassing cultural, spiritual, sexual and gender identity. Check out this list compiled with culturally specific resources serving Two-Spirit and Indigiqueer folks.

Peer Support Directory: Find peer support groups and services across British Columbia for trans, gender diverse, and Two-Spirit children, youth, and adults, as well as their parents/caregivers, families, partners, and support networks.

Crisis Lines: a comprehensive list of LGBTQ-friendly Crisis Lines  in BC has been put together by the UBC SARAVYC (Stigma and Resilience Among Vulnerable Youth Centre). For a list of LGBTQ-friendly Crisis Lines in all of Canada, click here

QCHAT is an LGBTQIA2S+ peer support association that provides peer support and referral services to youth residing in British Columbia.

YouthCO and YouthCO’s mycelium: a group of queer & trans youth 16-29 across what is currently known as BC.

Pride Camping Associationwas created to help camps better support 2SLGBTQ+ campers and staff.

Resources for Parents and Caregivers of Queer, Trans, and Two-Spirit Youth:

CampOUT! Parent & Caregiver Guide 2022compiled by the CampOUT! Community Advisory Committee and written by Emily Bailey (YouthCO Partner)and Anna White (Camp Director) to support parent/caregiver learning and connecting.

CampOUT! Parent_Caregiver Session Slideshow: Tips from your Kids! – created with advice and requests from youth participants of 2020 ZoomOUT!

CampOUT! Parent & Caregiver Webinar Resource List – links to podcasts, websites, information, and reading

TCBC Education for Care Services – an overview of Gender Diversity Education courses, to share with any care providers in your community

Fiction by Transgender and Non-Binary Writers with Trans/Gender Diverse Characters – A  list of fiction resources compiled by Mary Ann Saunders (UBC Professor, CampOUT! volunteer, committee member, and parent!)


Other 2SLGBTQ+ Affirming Camps and Programs:

Because we are unable to offer everyone a spot at CampOUT! each year, we wanted to share a few awesome LGBTQ2+  focused and/or inclusive programs that our friends and community members are organizing! Check out the links and application dates below:

  • Born This Way Aug 10-15 (Ages 5-17), Edson AB, This at-cost camp is open to anyone in the LGBTQ2S+ community, their allies or siblings.
  • Camp Kin at Cumberland Lake Park July/August Camp Kin welcomes all queer, trans, two-spirit, questioning and/or curious youth ages 10-13 to join for a week of inclusion, play, and celebration at Comox Lake. Campers will be canoeing, swimming, hiking, crafting, and connecting with peers and camp leaders who share lived experiences. Financially accessible on a sliding scale.
  • Inspiring Girls Expeditions – Girls on Ice Canada provides tuition-free expeditions for cisgender girls and transgender, agender, Two Spirit, nonbinary, intersex, and genderqueer youth ages 16-18.
  • Outward Bound 2SLGBTQ+ Youth Courses  In 2023, Outward Bound offered courses for 2SLGBTQ+ youth ages 16-19 like Rocky Mountain Backpacking in Kananaskis, AB, and West Coast Sea Kayaking in Clayoquot Sound, BC. Keep a lookout for programs in July/August!
  • WYLD 2SLGBTQIA+ and Allied Teens Backpacking Camp Aug 19-23, BC. Join Strathcona Park Lodge for a 5 day backpacking trip that focuses on supporting Queer, Trans, 2-Spirit teens ages 14-17 in creating connections, celebrating identity, and accessing the outdoors in a fun and supportive way. Led by an experienced trans non-binary outdoor instructor and past CampOUT! Cabin Leader.
  • Welcome Friend Association’s Rainbow Camp Registration for 2024 coming soon! ON and NS. Accepting campers ages 8-18 and Leaders in Training ages 17-18 for July and August in-person camp!
  • Queer Ecology Summer Camp Typically in August in Victoria, BC. Summer camp for queer and trans youth and allies ages 12-16 focused on questioning binary assumptions of nature and cultivating a sense of belonging in the natural world.
  • Queerest and Dearest Family Camp – Usually at Camp Artaban, Gambier Island, BC. A a 4 night, 5 day long faith based residential camp for LGBTQIA2S+ people and their families – birth families, adoptive families, chosen families, extended families, church families, etc!
  • Open Mountains – Inclusive outdoor adventure (ie: Winter 2023 – a 3 day backcountry camp focused on expanding on touring and ski mountaineering skills for QTBIPOC skiers and boarders, 16 years +).
  • Outpost Teen Camp Camp Koolaree, Trail, BC: A week long camp celebrating 2SLGBTQIA+ youth and allies ages 14-17 in an inclusive, supportive, gender-inclusive camp.
  • Summer Drag Camp Granville Island, Vancouver, BC. For ages 7-11 & 12-17 years. Led by some of Vancouver’s established and emerging drag artists, you’ll learn how to access your inner confidence, show your true colours, and maybe even let out that inner diva!
  • Troublemakers Film Project Vancouver: Aspiring young filmmakers + changemakers can participate in this free 7-session program to learn filmmaking skills and produce inspirational short documentaries about senior LGBT2Q+ troublemakers.
  • Girls Rock Camp Vancouver Fieldhouse – Year-round programming for girls and non-binary youth ages 8-17. We provide young women the opportunity to explore, access and create music with the guidance of positive mentors.
  • IndigenEYEZ Youth Camps – Similkameen Valley, BC: historically offered 7-day gatherings for Indigenous youth 18-30 who want to build their capacity as advocates and protectors for the lands and waters of their territories.
  • Salal and Cedar – Year-round inclusive spiritual gatherings including outdoor worships and contemplative walks in nature.
  • Totally Outright Bowen Island, BC: A leadership workshop for young gay, bisexual, trans, and queer guys interested in being healthy, sex-savvy change makers.
  • Power of Hope Camp – Linnaea Farm, Cortes Island, BC: Power of Hope strives to bring together a truly diverse group of youth and staff and aims for diversity of all kinds: ethnic, cultural, religious, class, personality, life experience, and more. Gender inclusive cabin option. Cost is sliding scale.
  • Camp Moomba – Camp Elphinstone, Sunshine Coast: A free overnight camp for children and youth ages 6 to 17 years old who are living with HIV, or who have a family member living with HIV. Campers will have choices around different indoor and outdoor activities while connecting with peers to challenge HIV stigma.
  • Camp Ten Trees2 camps sessions between August 10-24, 2024 – Registrations open on January 15th, 2024. Summer camp for LGBTQ+ youth, youth from LGBTQ+ and non-traditional families, and their allies ages 8-17.
  • Polaris – Dates in July and August 2024 – Register now! Camp Fircom, Gambier Island, BC: Ages 12-17. Discover personal strengths, areas for growth, and how to work as members and leaders of a group!
  • QMUNITY Camp NWT AugustCamp Connections Site, NWT: Ages 12-17. The Northwest Territories’ only summer camp adventure for 2SLGBTQIPA+, questioning and allied youth providing them a safe, inclusive, supportive and creative space to find themselves, connect with like-minded youth, and learn more about gender, sexuality and identity.
  • Gender Generations May 31 – June 2 2024: Biannual weekend retreats for Trans, Two-Spirit, Non-Binary, and other gender diverse youth! Youth learn under Trans+ experts in a variety of fields—often working towards a large, creative project.

Check out some of the amazing resources we use to inform our work at CampOUT! and some helpful tools so you can get involved too!

Here are links to some of the organizations and services we think are doing great work and could support your family or organization:

Ambit Gender Diversity Consulting
Children’s Hospital Transgender Resources
Bakau Consulting
Gender Spectrum
Love Intersections
Northshore Youth Services Directory
Out in Schools
PeerNet BC
Rainbow Refugee
SHER Vancouver
Trans Care BC
Trans Rights BC
Vancouver Coastal Health Trans Care


Educational Resources

CALLOut! GSA Manual
CALLOut! Leadership Manual
Courageous Conversations
Gender-Affirming Care
Gender-Affirming Verbal Communication
Online Trans Resource
Staying Safe Online
Tips For Respectful Interaction
Trans Care BC FAQs November 2016
Two-Spirit Resource Directory
Celebrating Gender Diversity – A United Church of Canada Gender Toolkit
Anti-Oppressive Facilitation Resource
Anti-Oppressive Resource & Training Alliance (AORTA) Resources
Indigneous Allyship Toolkit
QMUNITY LGBTQ2S+ Print Resources
QMUNITY 2SLGBTQIA+ Black History Resource
BestColleges LGBTQ+ Student of Colour Resource 
Pride Flags Glossary


Links to Local Youth Groups:

Allways – Richmond
Fraser Valley Youth Society
SHER Youth Group: for LGBTQ South Asians and their friends, families and allies in Surrey, BC
Mycelium: YouthCO
Qmunity Youth Program (Gab Youth)
Whatever: A safe, fun, drop-in for LGBTQI2S youth, friends, and allies in West Vancouver

To sign up for the City of Vancouver’s Two-spirit, Trans and Gender Diverse Newsletter, email 2STGD(at)

Peer Support Directory: Find peer support groups and services across British Columbia for trans, gender diverse, and Two-Spirit children, youth, and adults, as well as their parents/caregivers, families, partners, and support networks.


Harm Reduction Resources:

BC Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions
Moms Stop the Harm local and online support groups
Representative for Children & Youth
Homelessness Services Association of BC
The Homeless Hub – Youth
BC Housing
McCreary Reports