Our Advisory Committee’s Purpose:
1. Institutional memory
2. Community presence
3. Program support
Objectives and Scope of Work
The success and sustainability of CampOUT! relies on the expertise and innovation of our community partners. The CampOUT! Community Advisory Council started in 2009 to support the creation of CampOUT! and continues to support the program by offering guidance and advice to the University on:
• Policy, practice and research to advance the goals of CampOUT!
• All aspects of the operation of CampOUT!
• CampOUT! programming
• Recruiting and selection of campers and volunteers, and
• Fundraising
Committee Membership:
Currently our Advisory group consists of members from the following organizations:
Indian Residential School Survivors Society
Out in Schools (Out on Screen)
Trans Care BC – Provincial Health Services Authority of BC
UBC Office for Equity & Inclusion
UBC Arts & the Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality & Social Justice
and…. CampOUT! past Campers, Cabin Leaders and Volunteers, and Care Team staff!
If you or your organization in interested in supporting someone to participate on this committee, contact anna(dot)white(at)ubc(dot)ca to learn more obtain our Terms of Reference and schedule a phone meeting to discuss your interest in the role!