– We can’t be articulate all the time
– One diva One mic
– No one knows everything … Together we know a lot
– Bodies will be bodies
– Take space .. make space
– Be mindful of tempo and time
– Be curious
– Reduce harm to self and others
Participation Commitments:
In order for folks coming from many different life-experiences to have equal access to the benefits of the camp on Gambier Island, all participants must understand and agree to the following:
- I understand that CampOUT! is committed to being a physically and emotionally inclusive environment
- I understand that CampOUT! is a consent-based community space
- I understand that this is a sex positive, but sex-free environment. No sexual activity will be permitted
- I will not use alcohol or drugs during the camp, including cannabis, as the consumption of cannabis under the age of 19 is illegal in British Columbia and is prohibited in places where children commonly gather (https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/safety/public-safety/cannabis).
- I will respect myself and fellow CampOUT! participants, leaders, staff, and volunteers
- I will respect and take care of the facility hosting CampOUT!
- I accept responsibility for taking care of my health and wellness by getting adequate sleep and nourishment
- I will respect that CampOUT! strives to be a scent free environment
- I commit to full participation in all camp programming to the best of my ability
- I commit to filling out an evaluation at the end of camp so that the information can be used to improve the camp in years to come
- I understand that I will not be permitted to leave the camp for any non – CampOUT! organized recreational purposes, nor will friends who are not registered at camp be permitted on site
- I agree to an 11 p.m. lights out / in-cabin time
- I am aware that cabins and washrooms will be inclusive of all genders
- I am aware I will be assigned a cabin group and leader according to my age category
- Youth under 18 and youth 18 and over will be in separate accommodations
- I will inform my leader or the Camp Director about any problems/issues that may arise for me at camp
- I will abide by this Community Agreement, as well as the collaborative Community Agreement developed on the first day of camp
Additional Community Agreement Resources
In order to learn and build community, it is important that we work together to create space for meaningful conversation and respectful humor during our work and play. Here are some links to resources with some specific examples of what ‘respect’ looks and sounds like!
- Tips For Respectful Interaction
- UBC’s Resources for Respectful Debate
- Aorta Cooperative’s Anti-Oppressive Facilitation Resource
Protection of Privacy:
Your rights to privacy are protected by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act of British Columbia (FIPPA). This Act lays down rules for the collection, protection, and retention of your personal information by public bodies, such as the University of British Columbia and its affiliates. Further details about this Act are available upon request. UBC CampOUT! adheres to FIPPA rules to protect all participant information privacy.