Camp Information
Hello Potential Campers!
Things to know before filling out an application form:
When? Typically CampOUT happens the first weekend of July! This upcoming year’s dates are July 3rd-July 6th, 2025. There may also be a education and community building day for parents and caregivers of campers in North Vancouver on the first day of camp after dropping off campers!
Who? CampOUT! is for youth ages 14-21 who identify as queer, trans, two-spirit, intersex, asexual, lesbian, gay, genderqueer, questioning, or as allies to the LGBTQ2S+ community who live in BC or the Yukon. Some of our campers identify as LGBTQ, some as children of gay parents, or as siblings of LGBTQ individuals, some as Two-Spirit indigenous people. Other campers are interested in learning to be better allies to BC’s queer and trans communities. Some of our campers experience struggle around their identity and/or orientation and others are less conflicted with these issues and are interested in being present in a celebratory space that welcomes ALL of who they are.
What? CampOUT! is: Fun, Friends, Nature, Learning, Leadership, Community, Support & Resources, Health & Well-being, & Social Change!
- A leadership and learning summer camp supported by UBC, for queer, trans, two-spirit and allied youth aged 14 – 21 from BC and the Yukon
- A chance to meet new friends and engage in imaginative, critical, and innovative workshops as well as traditional camp activities like canoeing, campfires, and arts and crafts
- A safe and inclusive space where youth can develop leadership skills, build self-esteem, inspire each other, foster hope and resilience, and connect with resources to support their health and well-being
- A supportive space for youth to be celebrated for who they are
How much does it cost for campers? The camp program is free and requires only a $75 commitment fee, thanks to the generosity of community partners and donors! (fee can be waived upon receiving an email or phone call outlining detailed travel plans to confirm commitment to attend the camp)
Travel reimbursements available
How is the application form used? We’re looking to bring together a diverse group of campers with many differing experiences. All are welcome to apply. We have 65 funded spots and receive over 100 applications. The application form helps campers learn more about if this camp is a fit for them, and it helps us learn how to cater the programming to the needs, hopes, and excitement of youth applicants. If you are not accepted initially, don’t lose heart! We prioritize youth who applied before but did not attend and youth from rural areas with limited access to LGBTQ2S+ resources. If you get a spot on the wait list, you may be offered a spot in June. And you can apply next year, too! If folks have been at CampOUT! before they may be more likely be placed on the wait-list, but we strongly encourage such folks to consider applying instead for a Cabin Leader position. Contact us if you have questions!
Interested in applying as a camper? Visit our Camper Applications page!
Contact us if you have any questions. We are happy to chat or email with you. And if you are a parent and would like to speak to another parent whose child has attended CampOUT! please contact us and we will connect you with another parent.